Rachael is growing up fast
Rachael is now walking very well and is terrorizing her parents by getting into absolutely everything. She can even climb steps with no difficulty at all.
Rachael has also learned to say a few words: Mama, Papa, Bye Bye, Hi and Yum! She has also been using sign language to communicate a few other things that are still too hard for her to say, namely MORE and NO!
Rachael's first visit with Santa
Rachael had a good first visit with Santa at the Embassy Holiday Party. There were no tears and she recieved a gift from Santa while sitting on his lap. The webmaster (and pround Papa) is still waiting for the Community Liaison Officer to send him the pictures of this event. When he recieves them they will go in the 11th Month gallery .
News page & galleries updated
Babies are on the way. Info about Michael & Bianca's recent and upcoming trips! You can can get all the latest dirt on the news page.
There are several new galleries.