The Lamparty Family


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Rest & Recreation

Bianca and Michael will be taking their rest and relaxation trip sometime April through August of 2005. The main destination will be Malaga, Spain. Exact dates and details are not nailed down yet, but will be soon. (Check back here in a few weeks.) If you wish to visit them or little Rachael while they are in Spain, send an email along to Bianca.

Cape Town VacationBianca, Michael and Rachael recently returned from a great vacation in Cape Town, South Africa. Click on the article title to get a full recounting of their trip.

Tracy is pregnant Autumn will not be an only child for long. Number two is on the way. Tracy is due next Spring (Northern Hemisphere.) I will post more details once have interrogated the expecting parents to be.

Address for Bianca & Michael in Zimbabwe The mission in Harare using a diplomatic pouch address at Dulles Airport. They except packages no bigger than 17"x18"x30". Liquids and aresols are verboten! It can take up to three weeks for mail to be delivered so plan ahead.
2180 Harare Place
Dulles, VA 20189-2180

Get your own webpage Any member of the Lamparty family can request an email account in this domain. Your last name doesn't have to be Lamparty you just have to show that you are indeed a member of the family. To request an email account send an email to and provide the account name and password you would like.



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